Very Adrianna Jasmine

Pizza dough rising in the July sun.

300g strong bread flour
1 tsp instant yeast (from a sachet or a tub)
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp olive oil, plus extra for drizzling
200ml of warm water
Pinch of sugar


Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl

Make a well

Add the olive oil and water to the well

Mix together with love and make a ball

Cover with a clean cloth and leave the dough to rise for a couple of hours in the sun

Catherine xxx

Scarlett’s School Song!

The darkness of night the brightest of stars 

We adore and worship the moon

Our wands, our cats, our spells and hats 

We respect the magic of our broom 


Earth, Water, Wind and Fire 

We chant, cast spells and charm

Magic in our blood, water and mud 

Practice good, cause no harm 


The darkness of night the brightest of stars 

We adore and worship the moon

Our wands, our cats, our spells and hats 

We respect the magic of our broom 


Fall off our broom, we climb back on

Strong, brave and true

Cast a spell, we never tell

The humans what we do! 


The darkness of night the brightest of stars 

We adore and worship the moon

Our wands, our cats, our spells and hats 

We respect the magic of our broom 


Like a seed with love and care 

Our magic will truly grow 

Study hard, love our craft 

As above and so below


The darkness of night the brightest of stars 

We adore and worship the moon

Our wands, our cats, our spells and hats 

We respect the magic of our broom

Raven’s Competition Experience

A picture of grace, charm and sparkle

Her faithful broom by her side

She smiles at her coaches, best friend and Miss Ash

Mounts her broom, ready to ride


She flies high into the arena, a smile on her face

The crowd cheers when they call out her name

Then silence follows, the music begins

Wicked Game the song, the crowd are enthralled

She gracefully glides, performs Spirals and Tulips

Like a ballerina on a broom!

Then, the music became dramatic, it was time to be fantastic

That’s when the witch really did Zoom!

Triple Flip Flop combo, upside down Splits

The Death Drop, Corkscrew twisted thrice

Then the moment came, no pain no gain

Triple Cherry Flip, nailed it! Cool as ice

Rapturous applause, the crowd go wild

The music dramatic and haunting

Will she attempt it, does she have the guts?

Loop the Loop combo, it must be daunting

The music softens and Raven speeds up

Determination overcomes fear 

She takes a deep breath, Spook focused and free

The music explodes, the crowd erupt into a cheer

She nailed the triple loop, the precision so clean

No combo this time, but never mind

Her routine was beautiful, her artistry so pure

Her competitors trail so far behind

It’s never been done, a witch so young

A Junior from the UK

Way before her time, she flies so fine

What more can we say but, “Hurray!”

Raven is one of Scarlett’s best friends from Heliotrope House the school for witches and warlocks and is a competitive broomstick flyer. Scarlett accompanies Raven to all her competitions, to do Raven’s hair and makeup!

Scarlett’s School Anthem @ Heliotrope House!

The darkness of night the brightest of stars 

We adore and worship the moon

Our wands, our cats, our spells and hats 

We respect the magic of our broom 


Earth, Water, Wind and Fire 

We chant, cast spells and charm

Magic in our blood, water and mud 

Practice good, cause no harm 


The darkness of night the brightest of stars 

We adore and worship the moon

Our wands, our cats, our spells and hats 

We respect the magic of our broom 


Fall off our broom, we climb back on

Strong, brave and true

Cast a spell, we never tell

The humans what we do! 


The darkness of night the brightest of stars 

We adore and worship the moon

Our wands, our cats, our spells and hats 

We respect the magic of our broom 


Like a seed with love and care 

Our magic will truly grow 

Study hard, love our craft 

As above and so below


The darkness of night the brightest of stars 

We adore and worship the moon

Our wands, our cats, our spells and hats 

We respect the magic of our broom

Scarlett Flynn

Meet young Scarlett, she’s a strawberry blonde haired witch with a cute heart-shaped face, embarking on her first year at the prestigious Heliotrope House School for Witches and Warlocks. Having passed her Spellbinder Plus, she has been accepted to attend the magical school, that’s set deep in the Scottish Highlands and far away from her home in London. Scarlett soon makes friends with three awesome girls from Snapdragon House and together they enjoy the magic of their new school, which houses the worlds biggest flower fairy dome. Filled with magical charm, enchanting characters, mystery and mayhem, Scarlett’s adventures are not to be missed!

If you love books about witches, broomstick flying and casting spells, you’ll love these books!

Scarlett’s cat Liquorish, drawn by Oscar Cope, age 7

Homemade Cocoa Heart Bath Melts

Talulah Toffee products are simply magical and the only beauty brand product that Adrianna Jasmine will use!

Read all about Toffee products in The Sweet Jasmine Series and discover how an enchanted bath gel, can magically transport the bather from the bath to the Bahamas, without even leaving the bathroom!

Homemade heart-shaped bath melts with cocoa butter and lavender oil. This is very Adrianna Jasmine. 🥰 #easytomake!

Catherine x

Blood and Magic

The last of the Sweet Jasmine Trilogy, “Blood and Magic.” Discover why Adrianna Jasmine has one brown eye and one blue, who Sicily really is and why the #Goddess of witches #Hecate is so obsessed with destroying our favourite witch!

If you love books about #witches, #vampires and little black cats, then you’ll love The Sweet Jasmine Series.

Dark and delicious!

Download the trilogy from #Amazon and get into the #Halloween Spirt.

Cat x


Unlike #Salem which was an excuse to massacre innocent women, men and children#Burley truly does have a connection with witchcraft and spooky going’s on!

Burley is a quirky village in the south of England, deep in the heart of the New Forest. It’s quaint, pretty and utterly magical. Real life witches actually live there! Visit Burley for #Halloween and be utterly enchanted.

#Burley is featured in my books and has been a great inspiration for my writing. Read the chapter in Sweet Jasmine, Cakes and Magic, where the witches stay at the Burley Manor Hotel to celebrate Halloween. Discover the magical gifts they offer one another including, a cookie that allows one to levitate!

Love books about #witches #vampires and little black cats?

Love The Sweet Jasmine Series. #amazon #supernatural #charmed #discoveryofwitches

The Room

A place for shoes, a mirror and bed

A place to relax my weary head

To dream of princes, knights and kings

A place to store my precious things

A mess at times, change the sheets

Throws and cushions, curtains with pleats

Pink for girls, blue for boys

A place to store my favourite toys!

A little one from Catherine

A Snippet from Scarlett

Chapter 1

Leaving for Heliotrope House

Scarlett Flynn stood in front of a long mirror and studied her new school uniform. A purple and grey tartan tunic, white long-sleeved shirt, grey tights and Victoriana black leather laced up ankle boots. As it was chilly, she opted to wear her grey cardigan, which with thick and made with 100% lamb’s wool. Then with much excitement, Scarlett put on her new black velvet witch’s cape.

“Wow,” she thought, “I really do feel like a proper witch!” She fastened the tie around her neck and swished the cape about, causing the material to dance about like black waves. This made her happy and her eyes sparkled with magical delight. Scarlett drew in a satisfying gulp of air, before peering down at the school’s badge, which had been sewn onto her cape by her mum. The round badge was embroidered with a logo of a cat, witches hat and wand. Above said, Heliotrope House and beneath in Latin was the school moto, De motu trium sit virtus, commonly translated as…the power of 3 mot it be…

Want more? Go to Amazon and download today

#witches #magic #charmed #childrensbooks #spells

The Scarlett Flynn Series

My new novel!


Meet young Scarlett, she’s a strawberry blonde haired witch with a cute heart-shaped face, embarking on her first year at the prestigious Heliotrope House School for Witches and Warlocks. Having passed her Spellbinder-Plus, she has been accepted to attend the magical school, that’s set deep in the Scottish Highlands and far away from her home in London. Scarlett soon makes friends with three awesome girls from Snapdragon House and together they enjoy the magic of their new school, which houses the worlds biggest flower fairy dome. Filled with magical charm, enchanting characters, mystery and mayhem, Scarlett’s adventures are not to be missed!

Perfect for 10-12 year olds who love all things witchy and magical!

Available to download today via Amazon Kindle

#witches #vampires #magic #childrensbooks #spells #charmed #flowerfairies

It’s up!


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The third instalment of The Sweet Jasmine Series is now live on KDP! It’s taken more than three years to complete and the courage to publish it. “Sometimes you just have to jump on in and go for it.”

Blood allows the reader to discover all the reasons behind the magic and mystery, why our witch has always been wary of falling in love and why she has two different colour eyes.

There are influences of flower magic in Blood, as a few years ago a fan named Rosie, presented me with an old spell book. There, I came across flower magic, which inspired me to create a rather complex character called Amaryllis. It’s funny how things trigger inspiration.

“A conversation about the passed lives theory, also influenced the story.”


Catherine x

So I was Thinking…


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So I was thinking…

We could meet tomorrow for a coffee

cappuccino and something sweet

Or we could go for lunch just you and I

Ill pick you up, it’s my treat!

So I was thinking…

I’m going to give you a call

As I want to speak to you

I need advise and to hear your voice

Or simply to say, I love you

So I was thinking…

Would you like to go away with me

To Europe, a long weekend?

I’d like to take you somewhere nice

Time together we shall spend

So I was thinking…

I saw a nice perfume today

I think for you I will buy

I liked this bag and pretty scarf

Come with me, so you can try

So I was thinking…

I’ll come home this eve and laze on the couch

We can chat and watch TV

Bread and butter pudding would be nice

Feel warm, safe and drink lots of tea!

So I was thinking…

I’ll take you out for a drive

I promise to drive slow!

We can visit the beach, forest or shops

Just say the word and we shall go!

So I was thinking…

Can I see you today and hold your hand

To feel your instant love,

Wrapped in protection, smothered in affection

In spirit I feel, from heaven above…